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Some people who are new to the world of finding scholarships frequently have this question. Why pay for a scholarship service? The answer is simple…. you get what you pay for. At Imagine, we offer quality scholarships that are legitimate opportunities for students to be awarded real money to help pay for educational expenses.
These aren’t “catch you” scholarships, fishing for your personal information. Think of it like this, if you aren’t paying for the product, you are the product. This is sadly the case in many areas of life. Everyone wants to make a profit. While I support entrepreneurs and their money making ideas, I’m fiercely protective of the students and families I work with and don’t want them to be the “product” for marketers. We really do get what we pay for.
In the case of students who are trying to gain an education, it doesn’t seem appropriate for the students information to be sold to marketing distributors. That’s why at Imagine, we do not sell your information and we aren’t trying to sell you anything other than easy and organized access to scholarships, internships and a library of amazing resources to help you be successful. There is no advertising on our site and protecting student information is our top priority.
We aren’t in the business of finding flaws with our competitors. Instead, we are in the business of helping students, families, corporations, schools and financial institutions. Check out Imagine Scholarships today for quality scholarships and quality treatment of our customers.
For $175 a year, you have the opportunity to apply for billions of dollars of scholarships in an organized and efficient way. We also have hundreds of internships and a library of videos and resources to help you be successful in the college admissions process and in finding scholarships to fund your education. We also have a team of very helpful professionals waiting to answer any questions you may have.
Check it out today, you’ll be glad you did.
Team at Imagine Scholarships