
The benefits of hiring an Independent Educational Consultant or College Coach


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There are incredible benefits associated with hiring an IEC or college coach. I know you would expect me to say this since I am an IEC and college coach myself. However, most of my work in now in helping students and families find scholarships and helping them through the financial aid process so I feel that I can speak more objectively to the world of IECs and college consultants and my recommendation of them.



Here are some things I know to be true:

  1. Having an IEC or college coach can actually help you save money.

  2. IECs and college coaches have insight that you can’t get from the internet or from a schools website. This comes from years of experience and hundreds of college visits.

  3. Choosing the right IEC or college coach is critically important.

  4. Starting early with an IEC or college coach gives you the best experience and the best chance at being accepted into the schools of your choice.

  5. IECs and college coaches often get a bad wrap because of a few bad apples in the industry. However, the college coaches I know are amazing people who care very deeply for the clients they work with. They have impeccable character and work ethic and the highest of integrity when it comes to their careers.

  6. Most IECs are very educated, hold degrees, are members of prestigious organizations that offer continued education, keeping them current in the industry.


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In a recent study, experts found that 26% of students applying to college hire an IEC or college consultant to help them through the process. This means that approximately 160,000 students work with a college consultant each application year. In my observation, this number is growing rapidly each year.

One question I’m often presented with is “if college consulting is expensive, then only rich kids can benefit from this resource. How is that fair?” When I read this questions, there are a lot of assumptions made. There are college consultants who work with students of every economic background. Even some specializing with first generation students. The prices vary greatly and someone out there for every student. I know it can be a complicated process to find the right fit for you when choosing your IEC or college consultant. That’s why I created an introduction page to help introduce students, parents and IECs / college consultants to one another. I’m honored to have many friends and trusted colleagues in the industry and want to share the resources I have with others. You can find a list of IECs/ college consultants here.

If you are a student or parent committed to getting a great education and want a guide for the process, I recommend that you take a look at our introductions page and reach out to some of the available coaches. You’ll be glad you did.



Sherri Morrison

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