
IEC and GPT – The role of AI in College Admissions

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There was Ricky and Lucy, then Ross and Rachel, Sam and Diane, Tom and Jerry and now the IEC and GPT. All great couples with love/hate relationships. This encompasses the situation between the IECs, educators and teachers whose students embrace ChatGPT. 

If I’m being honest, as an IEC, my initial reaction was to feel threatened by ChatGPT who proclaims to be able to help students with their college lists, essays, applications and resumes. Where would I fit in? What path would students and parents take when it comes to college admissions and this new information source? How would this change the way I work with students? How will this impact the scholarships I provide to students? It seems that ChatGPT is invading our students’ world at a rapid pace.

I decided to take a deep dive into the ChatGPT world with an open mind. At Imagine Scholarships, we work with a brilliant team of Harvard students who keep me up to date on all things college. They make Imagine Scholarships the latest and greatest scholarship tool, and they also educate me on the current trends for students. One of the topics we frequently discuss is AI and its place in the educational system. As Harvard students they use it not only in their research, but they also use it in many creative ways that are enhancing the lives of teachers, students and educators worldwide. For that reason, I’ve been able to take a more objective approach to learning about AI and developing best practices for what I will and won’t support when it comes to the college admissions process. 

I spent hours researching before coming to a conclusion of the moral and ethical use of AI, especially when it comes to the college admission or scholarship essay. You can see where I landed on that here. As for AI in general, many students are currently one step ahead and using it to enhance their lives in many ways. Let’s take a look at the data. Each IEC will have to find his or her own personal comfort level with ChatGPT and determine how they will advise their students should use it in the college admissions process.

Statistical Highlights of Students Using GPT

Anonymized data from tens of thousands of college and high school students worldwide found that 11.21% of papers and assignments contained AI-generated content. The number is higher in high schools (12.18%) and lower in colleges (9.27%).

AI tools like ChatGPT have a greater appeal for male students than females, with 61% of teenage boys saying they have heard about it and 39% having used it. (Source-Ed Source)

Around 50% of teachers say they use generative AI as part of the lesson planning process. (Source EdWeek) 

78% of parents think using AI writing tools for schoolwork is a form of cheating. (Source Turnltln) 

36% of university students say there have been threats of failure if caught using AI inappropriately.(Computer World)

Of students that use AI, 68% believe it has improved their grades. (Source: CryptoPolitan) 

90% of students who study with ChatGPT find it better than using a tutor. (Source:

More than 70% of teachers say AI can help students learn but they’ve had no formal guidance from faculty. (Source USA Today)

The statistics point to the fact that AI is here to stay. Our job is to figure out the best way to use it to help our students while building our businesses to offer the best opportunities to our clients. When it comes to the college admissions process, I’ve found that using AI can enhance our relationships with students and parents. Best Colleges did a survey of college students in 2023 regarding the use of AI. The results were astounding and generate more questions than answers. Take a look at some of their findings.

The survey results provide insight into the dichotomy that both IECs and students find themselves in. As mentioned earlier, each IEC will have to define the boundaries around AI and decide how to use it or not in their practices. Below I’ve highlighted some of the benefits and some of the downsides of using AI as an IEC.

Benefits for IECs using ChatGPT

Ways the IEC can incorporate ChatGPT into their practices to empower students and parents in the college admissions process. 

  1. Research – ChatGTP allows for more thorough research and evaluation of schools for each individual student. 

  2. Scholarships – Offering a resource like Imagine Scholarships gives assurance that the best scholarships for the student are being offered.

  3. Goal Setting for student – Helps identify goals for the student

  4. Helps break down the goals into smaller steps and offers a timeline

  5. Offers ideas of resources to help grow your business

  6. Identify good ideas for essay topics

  7. Creative ways to connect and motivate students

  8. Study Strategies for your students

  9. Career Exploration

  10. Personal Development for your students

“The human element is the most important piece of the 

IEC / Student / Parent relationship.” — Sherri Graf

Reasons Not to use AI with students in the college admissions process

While there is an impressive list of things AI CAN help with, there are some critical things that it CANNOT do. 

  1. AI can’t speak to the experiences you’ve had (as an IEC ) on many college campuses. 

  2. AI can’t and shouldn’t write a college essay that exemplifies the strengths, weaknesses and talents of the individual student. 

  3. AI cannot build a college list based on the personality of the student.

  4. AI cannot calm the fears of worried and inexperienced parents.

  5. AI cannot reassure a student that there is a place for all students and they will find their place.

  6. AI cannot remind the student of all the extracurricular activities and volunteer opportunities available to them in their communities.

  7. AI cannot help them present the best version of themselves in their applications.

  8. AI cannot celebrate with them when the acceptance letters come.

  9. AI cannot remind a student of their value and worth in the midst of rejection letters.

  10. AI can never replace the human compassion, empathy and connection that you give as an IEC.

At Imagine Scholarships, our goal is to support IECs in any way we can. We do this by helping your students find quality scholarships that match their criteria. We never share student information, and we are committed to their privacy. In addition, we offer hundreds of internships and a library of helpful resources and videos

In conclusion, remember that each student is unique and it’s important to tailor your guidance to their individual needs and goals. Your role as an IEC is to support, encourage, empower and give them the tools to navigate the college admissions process successfully as you prepare them to launch into the next stage of life. No robot can ever replace what ALL students need, a real life hero, an IEC.

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