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How to read PSAT scores
The PSAT scores from the new test are out!
The content on the redesigned PSAT is very similar to that which was on the old PSAT. The biggestdifference is in how the concepts are tested and the steps students need to do to get the correct answer to the problems. This test requires logic and reason, requiring students to tackle the problems with a linear and sequential approach. Thinking and processing quickly is a benefit on this test. The test is one that all students should prepare for.
Since the first round of scores came out yesterday, many are asking….What does this score mean. It can be tricky to understand. Here is some helpful information:
The only PSAT score range of 60-240 is no longer valid. The new PSAT scores range from 320 to 1520.
Math counts for 1/2 of the composite score and Reading and Writing have been combined into 1 section called Writing and Language. The writing and language sections will be combined to total the other 1/2 of the scoring. Each section will have a subscore between 8 and 38. Then Reading and Writing will be combined for 1/2 of the score and Math will make up the other 1/2.
To get your Math scaled score, multiply your section score by 20. A score of 30 on the math section would convert to a score of 600. (30×20=600.)
To get your Reading and Writing Score, which are combined, you add each section score and multiply by 10. If you got a 34 on Reading and a 32 on Writing your scaled score would be (34×10=340)+(32×10=320)=660
If you combine the the two scores above you would get Math 600 + Writing and Language 660 = 1260
For each section, the minimum score is 160 / The maximum score is 760.
The New PSAT will help you predict your SAT scores for the future. The scale is shifted slightly lower since the PSAT test is easier than the SAT test.
Next, let’s take a look at the Percentages.
If you find yourself in the 95th percentile or above, you are doing exceptionally well.
Your next question may very likely be HOW DO I BECOME A NATIONAL MERIT SCHOLAR? That prestigious honor goes to the top 1% of all scores on the PSAT. Those scores vary by state. Find your state below to see your target.
The National Merit Scholarships will be scored on a different metric, The Selection Index- it looks like this….
It is calculated by adding up all three test scores and multiplying that sum by 2.
For example : From our example above, the NMSC Selection Index would be (34+32+30)x2=192You can then check that with your state target. These are usually adjusted by a couple of points so shoot for the higher end of the target.
Below I have provided you with the Qualifying scores for the class of 2016 to give you an estimate of what we might expect this year.
I hope that this will help you in deciphering your test scores. My Personal College Coach has Test Prep online courses to help you prepare for your next College Admissions Exam. Contact Us today for more information
Remember, these test do not define who you are or who you can become…. Your Character, Hard Work and Determination Do!
Sherri Graf
My Personal College Coach