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If you are in the Austin area, you might want to consider attending this Entrepreneurship Seminar. I know the young men hosting it and can’t recommend it enough.
What is the Young Entrepreneurship Seminar?
This is a seminar aimed at inspiring young people to be successful and adventurous in their career and college ambitions.
Our sessions will include
How to prepare yourself for a future in Entrepreneurship
How to define success
How to build a successful business model
Prosperous Habits in the workplace
Steps to Launching your own business
We are eager to explore training, guidance, and employment experiences so that youth can discover career opportunities and cultivate your individual interests in business. Through this 1 day seminar, you will develop critical thinking skills and learn from successful entrepreneurs.
Who is it for:
High School Students / College Students
Date and Location
April 8th, 2017 /Rudys on 620, Austin, Texas
7709 Ranch Rd. 620 North Austin, Tx 78726