
Super Girls

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I recently was asked to be a guest speaker for a podcast called “Super Girls.” I was honored to be a part of such an exciting opportunity. I am passionate about helping young girls. My desire is to help them find their passion and empower them to have the future they dream of.

You can hear the podcast here

When in Africa a few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to spend some time with some amazing young girls. They are living in the Gentle Shepherd orphanage in Kenya. This is one of the most amazing places on the planet. The work that is being done there to invest in the lives of young people is nothing short of miraculous.

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This beautiful lady is the heart behind it all. Ive have the opportunity to meet some fabulous women in my life but I must admit that this lady takes the cake when it comes to having a passion for young people. My one and only encounter with her left me changed forever. She invited me into her lovely home and watching her tell stories of her 100+ children was inspiring. What I wouldn’t give to sit down with her over a cup of masala tea and hear more of who she is and her heart for the children.

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These young girls are world changers. They have a vision for a bright future despite their circumstances. They are fighters and not about to give up. The strength they have is what will carry them through life with a determination that will not allow anyone to stop them. This is the mark of a powerful young lady.

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The joy in these faces is contagious and I hope I never lose sight of the sparkle I found in their eyes that day.

Watching the girls play was among the highlights of my time in Africa. The unmistakable joy is something I wish for my own kids. It is a constant reminder that it isn’t about our material possessions or the family that we came from. This joy and strength can only come from within.

As I have the opportunity to work with young ladies here in the states I am constantly looking for ways to encourage, inspire and empower their young hearts. As I raise 3 young ladies of my own, nothing is more important to me than kindling a passion and power in their hearts that can never be dimmed.

Here are some things I’ve learned from the young girls in my life:

  1. You can be young, beautiful and powerful all at the same time.

  2. No one can stop the energy and passion inside of you.

  3. You have something grandiose to offer this world and we won’t be the same without your gifts and talents.

  4. Your smile is contagious. This crazy thing happens to adults sometimes. We forget. We forget that we once shared that smile also. We let the responsibilities of being an adult dim the sparkle of our child within. Don’t ever lose your smile and keep sharing it with the world around you.

  5. We all laugh in the same language. We are all really the same on the inside. It doesn’t matter the color of our skin, the country our flag flies or the family we have or don’t have. We all laugh in the same language. When we take time to know one another, we will find that we are indeed very much the same.

  6. Be the girl who celebrates others successes. Be the girl who finds true joy when you see your friends succeed.

  7. Don’t be the critical girl. Be the one who helps magnify the good in others and be the last to point out the flaws in others.

  8. Being critical of others or using gossip to point out the flaws of others doesn’t make you look good. In fact, when you speak negative words about another, it says less about them and more about you. Be sure that you are speaking life giving words to one another as young girls.

  9. Break the mold. You don’t have to do things the way they have always been done. Be free to be yourself. Be free to celebrate your differences that the world hasn’t even seen before.

  10. Don’t wear a mask. People will love you just the way you are. You don’t have to be different for different people. Just be fully you!

  11. Your gifts will make room for you.

  12. Never underestimate the power of you passion.

  13. People notice you before you enter a room.

The bottom line is that the young women in our culture today are powerful forces who can change the future of our entire world. Watch out for their light, they are shining brightly all around you!

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