
Best Games for Teens / College Students

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Let the fun begin – When college kids come home for the holidays

As a mom, there is nothing quite so great as when their voices shout from the front door …… “Mom, I’m home!” That is all this mom really wants for Christmas …. to have them all under the same roof for a few days of fun, laughter, memories of the past and hopes and dreams for the future.

Planning for their arrival is part of the fun as well. This year, I will have a house full of college aged kids for about 10 days, 7 of us total with 4 dogs so “let the adventures begin!”

In preparing, I began researching games for us to play. I’m looking for games that include everyone and that are easy to pick up and put back down. I tend to not prefer games with actual boards since there are so many of us but I’m open to just about anything. I’ve done a little research and these are the top recommendations so far. I have no idea how I will scale this list down to only a few but I will do that in the next few weeks.

I’d love to hear what games your family plays and any ideas you have on the games below or other ideas just waiting to be discovered.

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Hunt a Killer – This is not a “traditional” game by any means. In fact it is a subscription box that can arrive monthly. I ordered 1 box for the holidays and cancelled my subscription since I don’t want to receive it monthly. It does look fun and challenging for those academic minds. I haven’t received it yet so I can’t give a personal review yet but I will make sure to let you all know what my crew thought of it.

The games below are more traditional card games and board games, these are all highly recommended and I’d love to hear your favorites.

I hope you have a wonderful holiday with your high school and college kids, making memories with them is the greatest gift !

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