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Finding the right college is an important task and one that is filled with opportunity. There are several different things to consider when choosing a school that is the perfect fit for you.
I encourage you to build a list of college that interest you.
As you begin your list, consider adding these:
5 Reach Schools – These are schools that are will be a stretch for you academically but a great option for you if you are accepted. Don’t be afraid to dream. Filling out the application for your reach school is not much more effort than the other applications and you will already have everything prepared so it will be that much easier.
5 Realistic Schools – These are the schools that are a logical and smart fit for you. Many of these schools will be in your state and some even possibly close to home. These schools can also include out of state schools where your academic profile fits perfectly into their admissions requirements.
5 Slam Dunk Schools – These are schools where your test scores and gpa is above the median range for their admissions. These schools will likely give you a significant amount of scholarships and financial aid. Having these schools on your list allows you to have options of every kind when the time to choose comes.
Once you’ve made a school list, narrow it down by school visits and questions about your specific desires and preferences. Money will also likely be a major factor to consider.
At Imagine Scholarships, we help students and families through the college admissions process. We are the experts in choosing a college major, applications, essays and scholarships. We would love to help you in any way we can. We also offer a scholarship database and app to help off set the rising cost of college expenses. You can find it here
Visit us today and let’s get busy exploring your future! Imagine where you can go with a Dream and a Scholarship!