
How to Pay For College During COVID

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COVIDs Impact on Paying For College

We had all hoped that COVID was a situation that would quickly resolve itself on its own. Sadly, that doesn’t appear to be the case. High Schools and Universities all over the world are now finding a new normal. Students who’d planned on going to college are suddenly faced with new challenges.

Though many families have had changes to their financial picture during COVID, there are resources to help you. Let’s explore a few ways you can find money for college and pro active ways you can get started today.

How the CARES ACT Helps College Students

  1. You can ask to have your FAFSA award package re-evaluated. An appeal is in order if you’ve had changes in employment or your finances due to COVID. Make sure you fill out your FAFSA every year of college. It opens on October 1st every year.

  2. The CARES ACT was signed in March of 2020, At the time of this article (July 2020) all student loan payments have been postponed until September 2020. I look for this to be extended but there are no guarantees. The best part of this is that no interest is accruing for students who have government loans during this time.

  3. Under the CARES ACT, If you are currently employed under Federal Work Study (FWS), you will receive your paycheck as if you’ve completed your job through the end of the spring term.

  4. Emergency aid grants are being made available to students who find themselves facing unexpected costs, including food, housing, course materials, technology, health care and child care. The CARES Act allows colleges to use Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) funds for these emergency aid grants, and also allocates an additional $7 billion in one-time funding. Note that these funds are distributed according to individual school policies, so you’ll need to reach out to your campus financial aid office for details on how to access them.

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Companies Offering Ways to Help College Students with Discounts and Free Offers

  1. During this unprecedented time, more companies and individuals are offering scholarships to help students.

  2. For College Students Who are Moving To or From College, several moving companies are helping with the cost of storage / moving. UHaul, Two men and a Truck, Dorm Room Movers

  3. There are many other companies eager to help with internet, food and other expenses. If you are in need, please reach out and we will help you find support.

  4. More helpful resources for students here.

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In an effort to help students find money for school, I developed Imagine Scholarships to help each student find scholarships unique to them. This simplifies the process, gives students a way to organize scholarships and keep track of how much money they receive as well as which scholarships they’ve applied for and their deadlines.

How to Earn the Scholarships You Apply For

Finding scholarships to apply for is only half the battle, making sure you stand out in the process is the other part of being successful in the process.

Before we explore the ways you can stand out, let’s make sure you know which scholarships to apply for and which scholarships not to apply for.

We all know time = money. I want to make sure you are applying for scholarships that are worth your time. Here are some things to look for when choosing which scholarships to apply for:

  1. Choose local scholarships

  2. Choose scholarships you find in a reputable place or your school

  3. Make sure to research who is offering the scholarship – how do you identify with them or what things do you have that would make you appealing to them to offer money to?

  4. Avoid scholarships that are “scrap scholarships”. Many scholarships are offered in an effort to get your email and contact information for marketing purposes.

  5. Be proactive about finding scholarships, not just waiting for them to be presented to you.

  6. Imagine Scholarships is an easy, efficient way to have scholarships picked out specifically for you. We filter the scholarships unique to your profile and get rid of “scrap scholarships” so you don’t have to worry about those. We only include quality scholarships that are reputable and safe.

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Ways You Can Stand Out in College Admissions and Scholarship Applications

Let’s face it, the competition is real. In order to get accepted into the college of your choice or to be chosen for the scholarships you apply for, you must stand apart from your competition. Here are some creative and proven ways to do that.

  1. Have a great resume

  2. Have a great essay if an essay is required

  3. Be sure to follow all guidelines and deadlines

  4. Have great letters of recommendation

  5. Make sure your social media is clean and shows you in the best light to people searching

  6. Have a way to market yourself such as an online portfolio

  7. Personalize the process

Overall, COVID has complicated not only the college admissions process but made it more difficult for many families to pay for college. Some colleges are reducing tuition and going online. Whatever your unique situation, don’t stop looking for ways to pay for your education. Make sure to Fill out the FAFSA on time to apply for all government resources. We have an database that is helpful in explaining each step of finding money for college and have seen our students have great success with finding money for college.

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