
Legal Documents You Need Before Heading to College

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There is nothing worse than having a college student who is sick and a parent who can’t intervene or help in any way because of legalities. Once they turn 18, everything changes. I know from experience. My son got a concussion from playing intramural football and was in the ER. Thankfully, his roommate called and I was able to get there quickly and he gave his consent for me to talk with the doctors. However, in this season of COVID, having the right legal forms in place is more important than ever.

Make Sure You Are Prepared for Emergencies In College

In another instance, my daughter had been at the ER all night not feeling well. She got back to her dorm on campus and gave me a quick call. She had a fever and only 1% battery on her phone. The plan was for her to go to her room and rest and I would speak with her on the phone a few hours later to see if she wanted me to come. It was a great plan, until it wasn’t. Only moments later, she entered the elevator in her dorm to take her to the 6th floor. She and I were still on the phone when she told me the elevator was stuck mid way to the 6th floor. Then her phone died. I tried calling her dorm and other administrative people who I thought could help but no one could “legally” speak to me about my daughter. She was “stuck” in that elevator with a fever and feeling awful for over an hour. I decided I wouldn’t be “stuck” in the situation of not being able to help her in the future.

With her blessing and signature, we had forms prepared to give me access to her medical and financial records as well as power of attorney if needed.

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It may seem like the last thing you want to think about at the beginning of a new school year. All the excitement of the dorm, new friends, new classes and professors etc…. I get it. However, none of us know when these forms will be needed so it is best to make a small investment and be prepared.

Here is an overview of what you need.

  1. Healthcare Proxy – This is also known as a medical power of attorney. This allows a parent or someone to make healthcare decisions on behalf of the student if they are unable to do so. The student can assign the person they are giving the power of attorney to and who has permission to make decisions when they can’t.

  2. HIPAA Authorization– This allows healthcare professionals to disclose your medical records and information to the person the student chooses.

  3. Durable Power of Attorney- This form allows for the student to designate who can make financial and business decisions on their behalf when needed.

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Each State has their own specific forms and guidelines for these forms so please contact an attorney for your state specific forms. I highly recommend this attorney who is reputable and works with my clients often as well as my own personal needs.

Things you need to do when you turn 18

Other things that you need to know when your / your student turns 18:

  1. Register to vote

  2. If you are male, register for the selective services

  3. Who knew you could do these things when you turn 18?

It is easy to put these things off and plan to do them “another day.” I highly encourage you to do these things today so when crisis or complicated situations arise, you are prepared.

First Aid Kit For College Students

Other things you can do to be prepared are to make sure you as the student have a first aid kit when you move into the dorm or apartment. Here are some critical things to include:

  1. Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen for fever and body aches

  2. Heating Pad

  3. Ice Pack

  4. Thermometer

  5. Band Aids

  6. Gauze Bandages

  7. Ace Bandage

  8. Alcohol Pads

  9. Antibiotic Ointment

  10. Calamine Lotion

  11. Aloe for Sunburns

  12. Tweezers for Splinters

  13. Allergy Medicine

  14. Cold Medicine

  15. Cough Medicine

  16. Sore Throat Lozenges

  17. Flu Medication

  18. Inhaler if needed

  19. Health Insurance Information

  20. Recipe of their favorite Chicken Noodle Soup

Most Importantly, make sure that the communication lines are open so that if the student isn’t feeling well, they reach out to the parent or another person sooner rather than later.

Hope this is the happiest and healthiest school year ever! To stay updated on great information, follow our blog or join our private facebook group today –

Sherri Graf

Imagine Scholarships

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