
Internships and Opportunities

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IT’S HERE – It’s time to apply for internships

Remember how I promised to keep you updated on really cool things pertaining to college and finding money for college? Well, this is me keeping my promise.

I’ve found some really awesome internships for you to check out. I know it seems like it’s really far away but these opportunities have deadlines coming really soon and I don’t want you to miss these, they are just too amazing not to take a chance at getting them.

Here at Imagine, we have hundreds of Internships just waiting for you. These are for high school students, current college students as well as students in graduate programs. Along side the internships are $9 Billion Dollars worth of scholarships. Check it out today, you’ll be glad you did!

Finding ways to set yourself apart from your competition is critical when applying to college and applying for jobs after college. Every experience you can take advantage of teaches you something unique and exposes you to new people and new experiences.

What experiences can you take advantage of and add to your resume?

One of my very favorite students took advantage of an opportunity in college that allowed him to teach others about his love of coffee. I know it sounds a bit crazy but that is what happened. As he was sharing his love of coffee and the science behind choosing a great cup of coffee, someone overheard his story and asked if he would be willing to do a Ted Talk. This Ted Talk was a huge success, and he was able to add that to his resume when applying to Medical School. That same young man is almost finished with medical school today and continues to expand on his love for coffee in many ways.

You see, opportunities have a way of presenting themselves to you. Are you ready to take them?

What is your dream? How can you find an opportunity to begin building that dream today?

Have you ever wanted to be a part of the FBI? Applications for internships are open now and close soon. The window is short to apply but the opportunity is amazing. They have opportunities for high school students, undergraduate students and graduate students.

Internships for High School and College Students

FBI Internships

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Internships with U.S. Intelligence

If not the FBI, maybe the Center of Intelligence interests you more? They have excellent programs for students of all ages to apply to!

Here are just a few: They can all be accessed here:

Gifted and Talented STEM Program

High School Work Study Program

Stokes Educational Scholarship Program (NSA

CAE-Cyber Operations Summer Intern Program

Computer Science Intern Program (CSIP)

Director’s Summer Program (DSP)/Cryptanalysis and Signals Analysis Summer Program (CASA SP)

Signals Intelligence Collection Program (SICP)

Cyber Summer Program (CSP)

Science of Security Summer Intern Program (SOS)

Gifted and Talented Language Program

Human Resources (HR) Intern Program

Installation & Logistics (I&L) Summer Intern Program/Data Center Management Intern Program

Well-Being Services Summer Intern Program

Security & Counterintelligence Summer Intern Program (SCSIP)

Summer Intern Program for Science and Technology (SIP/ST

Summer Strategic Communications Intern Program (SSCIP

Summer Language Program

Summer Intern Program for Information Assurance (SIPIA

Cooperative Education Program (NSA) – STEM

Research Experience Student Internship (RESP

Graduate Mathematics Program (GMP

Summer Program for Operations Research Technology (SPORT

Graduate Fellowships for STEM Diversity (GFSD

Intelligence Analysis Summer Internship Program

National Security Education Program

The list goes on and on. My point is, if you have a dream of working in intelligence, this is an excellent opportunity. There are experiences for students of all grade levels, high school through PHD Programs.

Internships are more important than ever before

With COVID changing the way college admissions works, internships are more important than ever before. Once schools began making admissions testing optional, the other parts of the admissions process became weighted more heavily. Having a great resume and an internship are excellent ways to be noticed in both the college application process but also when looking for a job after college.


I understand that not everyone is interested in areas such as the FBI and Intelligence programs. How about something for those who are on the creative and artistic side of things?

Chick-Fil-A Internships

Chick-Fil-A has Intern Opportunities, check them out here.

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Be an Intern With TikTok

Or if Chick Fil A isn’t your thing, how about an internship with TikTok?

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Disney Internship Program for College Students

Did you know that Disney has an entire program dedicated to college students? Check out that opportunity here.

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Maybe you are an environmental scientist who is eagerly looking for a way to make an impact on our climate and our society? Check out this The Smithsonian. They have a great story and are looking for interns.

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Or maybe you are a videographer or an artist or a scientist. Or maybe you are planning to apply to medical school or law school? There are internships in every field imaginable. I’ll be looking for them and you should too!


Taking advantage of internships is a great way to boost your resume and set yourself apart from your competition.

Sometimes students think they aren’t qualified for internships at these amazing companies, but nothing could be farther from the truth. The companies are on the look out for fresh, new, amazing, smart and talented students. They are eager to show you what they do and give you an opportunity for a hands on approach.

For example, each fall, Nordstrom opens their program to high school juniors and seniors who are interested in pursuing a career in the fashion industry. If you are chosen for the program, you will get a first hand look at all things fashion.

What’s in It for You

  • Influence Nordstrom buyers—we listen to you.

  • Get behind-the-scenes access to fashion projects and events.

  • Learn about the fashion industry through hands-on experience.

  • Meet new friends your age who share an interest in fashion.

  • Connect with fashion insiders at Nordstrom.

  • Gain advice and tools to develop a career in fashion.

The 2020/2021 Application will be opening soon!

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So here is another really cool thing I want to share with you! Since I am so passionate about helping students get into college and find a way to go to college debt free, I built a scholarship database, Imagine Scholarships. My students are finding great success in scholarships for college and now they are finding internships too.

“Imagine Where You Can Go With A Dream and A Scholarship.”

Since I built it, I am always looking for ways to improve it and add more value for my students. I decided that Internships would be a great addition. Now when you are searching for scholarships, you’ll easily be able to find internships in the database as well. It is just another way we can help you have the future you’ve always dreamed of.


Benefits of an Internship

If you still aren’t convinced that Internships are for you, consider these facts:

  1. Internships set you apart from your competition

  2. Internships open doors for networking and future opportunities

  3. Internships offer hands on application to validate if this is the right field for you to pursue

  4. More than 58% of graduating seniors report having participated in an internship

  5. Being an intern shows you how a corporation operates

  6. An Internship helps you build your resume’

  7. An Internship allows you to get professional feedback on your skills and talents

These are just a few of the benefits waiting for you. Check out more internships that we’ve found for you at Imagine Scholarships.

I’ll continue to update the internships daily. My students all have access to Imagine Scholarships for free, but all students and parents can access it for just $175/year. Many schools are providing this service to their students also so I hope that you will be able to get started finding scholarships and internships very soon. In fact, I’ll be choosing 2 very special interns this summer as well. I’d be honored to have you on my team as I strive to make a difference in the lives of students everyday! If you’re interested in joining me this summer, contact me here.

I’m excited for your future and can’t wait to see where it leads you. No matter what, I know you’re going to be a world changer!


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