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One of our students at Imagine College Coaching is now in college and speaking about his life changing Disney, “Make A Wish” experience.
Seven years after his diagnosis, he is now a thriving college student pursuing his dreams that began during his “Make A Wish.”
ESPN Host Chris Connelly previews latest episode of the Disney video series The Wish Effect featuring an update on Jace Andrews
Jace’s wish was to meet Dustin Pedroia and be a Red Sox for a day!
In 2014, Jace Andrews, then 12, was one of the children featured in the ESPN “My Wish” Series, which,
since its beginning in 2006, has partnered with Make-A-Wish® to fulfill 68 sports-themed wishes for children with critical illnesses.
Born with eight heart defects, and having endured multiple surgeries, sports-loving Jace received his wish of being part of the Boston Red Sox for a day, allowing him to meet his favorite player Dustin Pedroia. From a young age, Jace had been inspired by Pedroia because of the recently retired star infielder’s ability to overcome obstacles.
Jace’s unforgettable day was featured on SportsCenter on July 21, 2014.
Now 19, Jace talks about the lasting impact of his grand-slam ESPN wish in the latest episode of Disney’s new video series “The Wish Effect.” The show reunited him virtually with ESPN reporter Chris Connelly, host of the “My Wish” Series since its inception.
Jace knew from the moment of his wish that he wanted to be in sports broadcasting to call, watch, and be a part of the game and bring the story of the game to everyone in the community.
I had the privilege and honor to work with Jace during his college admissions process. Each week, we worked on applications, essays and scholarships. His dream and his goals never changed. He has always wanted to be a sports broadcaster! He is one amazing young man and I love watching his dreams come true everyday! Way to go Jace! We will be cheering you on each step of the way!
Sherri Graf