
Military Scholarships

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Today is July 4th. A day that is to honor those who have given their service to this country and to celebrate the freedom we have. These people are the true heroes. In my opinion, it is also to honor those families who live life daily without those they love because their lives were taken too soon. I am very thankful to those who fought for our freedom so that I can experience freedom today.

I must admit this story hits very close to home. My father fought in the Vietnam War. He was a part of the special forces. I have his Purple Heart he earned, his Silver Star and his other medals. I also have the flag that was draped over his casket. While these things are precious to me, I would have rather had my father in my life. You see, he didn’t die in the war. He died a long painful death after the war. The effects on many that fought for our country were seen for many years afterward. In my case, my father came home physically but never came home mentally. He lived a life trying to numb the pain of fighting a war as a very young man, and eventually he lost his battle at a young age. The cost to me and my children was life without a father and life without a grandfather.

In fact, just a few months ago, I found an old box filled with letters that my father had written to my mother while he was in Vietnam. Though I’d heard many of the stories, I didn’t fully understand the sacrifice that he made. These letters brought home the reality of what my dad endured so that my children and I can live in freedom today.

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There are many military scholarships to honor the families of the heroes who purchased our freedom today. These scholarships are for children, grandchildren and other family members who are related to veterans both present and past.

At Imagine Scholarships, we have over 100 military scholarships for you to look through. I’ve posted only a handful here.

Take a moment today to thank someone you know for fighting for our country.

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